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Rule of Law

In a time when savages and pagans no longer thrive, there are still people who try  to be as disrespectful and lawless as can be.
The incident of destroying a swing beam in a farm road of Tadeco which is used to inform people that 'hey, there's a foot bath in here and we have to follow simple protocol to guard  farms from an infectious disease' comes  as a surprise. Surprising, not because it happened once in a lifetime but what  was  surprising are the circumstances that came out  in the open: a misinformation from some radio station citing a closed road from Sto Tomas to Panabo; an  order by the Congress to the police to survey the area for public roads but was carried out by DPWH; a  DPWH District Engineer acting without an order from his superior; a DPWH crew dismantling the lowly swing beam with small mallets and had bonnets and covers in their faces, not wanting to be identified and riding a private vehicle; and  the presence of a vice governor who was part of the council that crafted the Provincial Resolution that set  conditions for the opening of the Elcanto road (which, in fact, is not a provincial road). In the guise of lawfullness, they claim that they are doing it for the people.
Since it is in disconnection with the alleged anomalous JVA contract between Tadeco and Bucor (which, by the way, is not proven) as investigated by congress, it should have been done properly, thru the proper channels and thru the right people. What happened is a mock to the executive departments in the national and provincial level.
A legislative body in congress acting like it is also handling the executive, ordering the police. But since the police are following procedures, Alvarez's congress resorted to egging Noel Basanes to act in behalf of DPWH, without passing thru the proper channels. And imagine, Edwin Jubahib, Alvarez's chief of staff, brandishing himself in District 2 when his turf is in District 1. Put in a legislative officer in a province in the person of Alan Dujali, mocking a provincial resolution he himself helped in crafting, by going out of his office to defy it. And in an era of fake and bogus news, RMN was pushing a misinformation that a road is closed by Tadeco for decades. A road that is currently programmed for widening with Tadeco chopping banana plants for its completion. How unimaginable for a congress, a provincial officer and a radio station who call themselves righteous!!!


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