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Si Gob Jubahib ug ang Saging, Bow!

Gov. Jubahib, in his speech during the event on his first 100 days in office, signaled a very dangerous mind. Explaining and insinuating that because the banana plants of Tadeco are healthy, these don't need the bio-security measures against fusarium wilt such as tire/ wheel baths and foot baths. Where the hell did he get an idea such as that! He had not thought about why the bananas in Tadeco are healthy and why the banana plants in the nearby Sto Tomas and Kapalong plantations are dying on Fusarium Wilt. He wants to open roads which are already accessible by the public. He wants to get rid of these structures mandated by the Bureau of Plant Industry and with a provincial resolution that backed it.

He asked about what to choose, banana or people?

Let's discuss. People in Tanglaw, Bobongon and Balagunan can pass thru the farm roads provided that vehicles and people take the precautionary defense of passing through tire baths and foot baths with their livelihood intact (these structures don't get people jobless by stepping and passing through) And these tire /wheel baths and foot baths protect and keep the banana plants from dying. It's a win-win situation.

Now let's take a look at the area in Sto Tomas and Kapalong where there are banana farms. In these areas, people can freely pass the roads without passing thru bio-security structures to protect the bananas (because they don't have any) and in these areas, banana plants are dying. People don't have to step on foot bath nor pass their vehicles thru tire baths but they are slowly losing their livelihood or so many have already lost their jobs. It's a losing battle in Sto Tomas and Kapalong.

Now, there is this one question on where he should focus? Helping Sto Tomas and Kapalong protect the banana farms and thus save the thousands of people who rely on these farms or destroying the bio-security structures in the farm roads of Tadeco in order to kill off the plants and thus, make people jobless?

It is his choice. It will be his legacy.

For us, we will defend our livelihood and ask you to help those helpless people in Sto Tomas and Kapalong, they have nowhere to go. Unless, it's really your agenda to make the people of Davao del Norte suffer and put the banana industry into oblivion.


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