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What arrogance can do!!!

Tadeco was attacked yesterday morning (9/26/2019) by the governor of Davao del Norte. Coming in with heavy equipments (Boom truck, grader, buckhoe, acetylene welding, etc) worthy of demolishing huge structures accompanied by firetrucks in anticipation of breaking the ranks of peaceful workers defending their livelihood, he held his head high up expecting success. 

His purpose : bring down structures he and his cohorts (before being elected as governor) have long wished to conquer because it's their promise to people with hatred to Tadeco. 

Concern #1:
As claimed by the Gov, he had serve a one-month notice for Tadeco to dismantle illegal obstruction in Tadeco farm roads claimed as public roads. 

Fact is, there was indeed a letter informing Tadeco that the govt will dismantle structures dated Sept 16 and received by Tadeco on Sept 20. Is this a one-month notice? 
And a letter dated Sept 24, postponing the activity to Oct 7 which was addressed to Bucor who in the first place didnot officially receive the first letter (which was for Tadeco). 

Concern #2:
Memo Circular 2019-121 calls for the removal of obstructions in public roads and find ways to deal with identities who will be affected. 

Facts are: 
Farm roads inside a public land (Bucor) entered into an agreement with a private entity does not make these roads public unless donated by the gov't agency to be used as such. There is no document in the possession of the province and Bucor itself. 

There was no audience with Tadeco nor Bucor when there was a deliberation for the action of the provincial government. The governor's act is unilateral and does not exhibit democracy and peaceful settlements of issues - arrogance at its best. He is supposed to implement with utmost tolerance instead of provoking anxieties of violence. 

Structures inside the farm roads include tire dips for bio-security protocols to protect the banana industry from the spread of Fusarium Disease. The roads are accessible, day in, day out. Thus no obstruction is deemed limiting people from going to and fro, just the submission to the bio-security protocol. 

Concern #3:
Claimed by the governor that he will respect biosecurity protocols and that he was not allowed to enter a gate (Sept 24, 2019)

He did not alight the vehicle to pass thru a footbath (Tanglaw gate) which was used as a safeguard for spreading of the disease that's why the guards did not open the swing beam. He could have just alighted and passed thru the footbath as a gesture that he really respects the biosecurity protocols. Instead, he scolded the guards for not letting him in as a governor. The guards are just there to implement the biosecurity measures. A doble-cara governor who speaks for respect but does not respect his words. 


Gov Jubahib and his cohorts are so longing to destroy Tadeco. He is not thinking that Tadeco is a representation of what should be a good model for the control of the spread of the disease. His using of the Memorandum Circular 2019-121 for his ill-intentioned government service speaks of the devil inside his heart (though he may only be just a pawn seeking to prove himself to the king in the chessboard who never stops looking at Tadeco). 

Being there at the forefront to see and led demolition squads, he downgraded himself to being a sheriff, all for the glory that it is Tadeco that he will be trampling on. 

But alas! His arrogance made him. 

Imagine denying the existence of a letter postponing his notorious activity of demolishing structures to Oct 7, through his own mouth. I wonder how he felt and that of his companions when showed of the letter with the logo of the province of Davao del Norte and his signature. 
Then, he pronounced that they will just do maintenance on a road that is always maintained by the company. 

Even the fact that he did not know that the roads are open 24 hrs a day (even though it's a farm road and not public) makes a thoughtful man cringe in disbelief. He could have his information checked and not rely on mouthfuls.

His "survey" and provocation of not stepping on the foot bath so guards will not let them pass (as protocols) - which is based on the order of the Department of Agriculture through the Bureau of Plant Industry to setup tire dips and foot bath to protect the banana industry from demise - makes one think of how disconnected his ideas are (or that of his master) 

These are just some of the things, front and back, related to the drama that owned the day. There are still other faces and side events to hear and tell. 

Analyzing the story as it unfolded, one can wonder: Is this the kind of governor that the proud, professional and industrious people of Davao del Norte deserve? No wonder it is this propaganda that was given focus and not the wide-eyed killings in Tagum. Ow, maybe, he really wants violence. There are some in Tagum and he wants another to pop up in Sto Tomas... Whatta brain! 

I am asking. Dig on something. Do the thinking. 


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