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Alvarez: Hahamakin Lahat

His latest pronouncement that Tadeco should not hire inmates to work in the plantation is a statement taking aim at everything just to bring Tadeco down. When he can't pin the Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) between BuCor and Tadeco as disadvantageous to the gov't, he employs tactics questioning the ownership of the roads inside the plantation as well as election issues - all out of context of his case on Allegation that the JVA is disadvantageous to the Government. Although, it augurs well with his purpose of getting media mileage. But alas!, as fate would have it, his plan was overtaken by events. His rampage of ego-tripping is now checked when he choose to say words that caught the ear of Mayor Sara Duterte. So now, as ill-advised, he is using the JVA issue to cover his spat with Mayor Sara. But his recent pronouncement to file raps against custodials/escort guards who are just escorting the inmates working as trainees in the plantation, is as rotten as he is. His insinuations that Tadeco should hire workers from the free world instead of the inmates, when in fact, these in-mates are there as trainees bound to be responsible with themselves in the future and to slowly regain their trust in the rule of law (Dapecol is in existence to rehabilitate them together with Tadeco as stipulated in the Joint Venture Agreement), is a statement as mindless as he is and his advisers. He is now threatening to skew the very purpose of government in terms of the rehabilitation of erring members of the society. Getting a cue from this senseless and heartless threats, he wants the inmates to remain in their cells, thus, jeopardizing the very purpose of Dapecol and the JVA which is to reform these in-mates into responsible persons and ready them for re-introduction to society. His threat to sue Dapecol employees involved in the JVA is a blatant attempt to put chaos in the law, order and justice in the smooth and peaceful administration of Dapecol. He wants to penalized people who are just doing their jobs and are working in their line of duty. He wants to penalize the inmates who are earning stipends for their respective families. Alvarez wants to destroy the very foundation of the rehabilitation process of our penal system. He is sowing misinformation in pronouncing that Tadeco is using the inmates as workers for free. He is destabilizing a government agency in his statements. As Inday Sara puts it, he is an asshole. 


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