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5th Congressional Hearing

The 5th Congressional hearing on "Resolution Calling for Inquiry, In Aid of Legislation, on the Allegedly Grossly Disadvantageous Contract Entered into by the Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR) and the Tagum Agricultural Development Company, Inc. (TADECO)" orchestrated by Speaker Alvarez, was out of order. Tackled were public roads and structures which are not related to the JVA, which, if indeed true that everybody is not allowed to pass through and need to be resolved, can be solved by the DILG thru the Panabo City government. Additional issue thrown into the JVA equation is the alleged election manipulation which can be properly addressed by protest in the Comelec of which nobody has done - Alvarez should start going to the Comelec to really press this issue. The work of the congress is to investigate in aid of legislation but apparently, they are now acting as the executive branch, directing the DOJ, bypassing the DILG and directing the PNP. They do as they want, even if the issues are not related to the topic of their investigation. If anybody declares the topics out of context, he can be cited for contempt. CONTEMPT, for sticking within the issue. Why? IMHO, Alvarez only wants media coverage. He is thinking that by maintaining this kind of hearings, he will be remembered as the saviour of the world. He is using the congress for his vendetta and for future political ambitions. Nobody can question their handling lest you can be cited for contempt. Their handling and arguments cannot do well in a regular court. They know it, that's why they won't even file a case for their allegation on the JVA. They won't last a day. Alvarez knows that he has to be always in the limelight or else he will immediately be forgotten. Presently, with his collection of political allies which now includes barangay captains, he thinks that he can grab higher power in 2019. His move to give zero budget to congressmen who oppose him is a clear manifestation of his being arrogant and with bloated ego. His unilateral declaration on Charter Change that congress can go ahead and form a constituent assembly without the sanate and change the form of government to federal is geared towards assuming that he can get a higher position in the federal government and stay in power. He is trying to move heaven and earth to assure the permanence of his high political status, by hook or by crook, of which without those who helped him get back to his political feet, he is NOTHING - jamo. Unknowingly, those who are toeing his line already know his nature, which is that of a traitor. Directing the DOJ and the PNP, he is thinking of usurping the power of the President of the Philippines. Fortunately, the Philippines is still ruled by law and order. A case is yet to be filed in courts for the alleged disadvantageous JVA. An electoral protest still has to be filed on the alleged election manipulation. Bato may still have to be convinced that indeed there are public areas in Tadeco where nobody is allowed to enter. With all these current events, Tadeco will remain true to its purpose of rehabilitating inmates to follow the laws and live normal lives; giving jobs and life security for all its workers; and providing opportunities to the people around the plantation, while Alvarez is still bitter with the person who helped him get back to his political career; he is leading congress with arrogance; and he is using his position to take down an agreement which is being upheld by previous congresses and DOJ secretaries. In the end, who do you think is in a moral ground and is bound for nation-building? Your guess is as good as mine. One party is looking after the welfare of people and the other looks for the downfall of democracy. Tadeco remains solid as ever as its foundation while Alvarez remains to be an arrogant wannabe hiding behind the halls of congress..


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