The Tadeco - Bucor Joint Venture Agreement is not just an ordinary agreement. On the outside, it spoke about the development of the Dapecol area by TADECO to be jointly executed by the parties with respect to their roles. But in the innards of realities, it is a restorative justice agreement, not seen in any other penal farms and prisons. The restorative justice that the government wants to push for the rehabilitation, for good, of the convicted offenders, is exemplified in the joint-venture agreement. The area is not just an ordinary tract of land for tilling. It is an area intended forthe rehabilitaion of convicted persons. The idea that inmates should be exposed to the community to ready them for eventual freedom is not enough as maybe seen by some personalities. It is the restoration of law and order that separates the system being run by Tadeco and Bucor from other prisons in the country. Inmates are given specific jobs in the plantation with target time of completion a...